I spent the past couple of months learning a new probabilistic programming language.

It’s called Gen. It’s developed by a group at MIT CSAIL. Some useful links:

A detail worth knowing: Gen is implemented on top of Julia. (One reason it took me a couple of months to learn Gen, rather than a couple of weeks, was that I had to learn Julia. Which wasn’t so bad, because it turns out Julia is a pretty awesome language 😀)

Most probabilistic programming languages try to manage the complexities of inference in an automatic, black-box fashion. This sounds good in the abstract—probabilistic inference is difficult—however, in practice this usually leads to a tradeoff between expressive power and inference tractability.

For example, Stan uses Hamiltonian MCMC to the exclusion of all other inference techniques. Not all models lend themselves to Hamiltonian MCMC. In consequence, Stan’s developers have restricted the language to a set of models that can be served by Hamiltonian MCMC. (Indeed, Stan is most widely-used for rather straightforward hierarchical models.)

In contrast to these automatic/black-box design principles, Gen was designed with a “programmable inference” philosophy in mind. Roughly speaking:

  • Gen is equipped with a library of inference ‘building blocks’
  • Gen makes it easy to assemble these building blocks into an inference strategy that works well for your model.

This is very appealing in a research setting, where we often find ourselves dealing with totally new models.

I learned Gen by tinkering around in some Jupyter notebooks. Here are a couple that I’ve cleaned up:

  1. A simple coin-flip model.
  2. A Gaussian mixture model. This notebook, in particular, demonstrates Gen’s power and flexibility. I implemented a heuristic-guided sampling strategy.

You may or may not find these notebooks useful in your own exploration.

I’ll add more notebooks to this list as I polish them up. (Some unpolished ones are in the repository if you really want to look at them.)

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