Moving averages are among the most commonly-used tools for “de-noising” time series data.

People usually describe a moving average as a convolutional filter. This opens the door to many mathematical insights. For example, the convolution theorem connects convolution in time with point-wise multiplication in Fourier space.

However, I’ve always suspected moving averages have a Bayesian interpretation. The Wikipedia page doesn’t mention any such interpretation, but some whiteboard math has brought me to a few conclusions:

  • Given certain normality assumptions, there is a moving average consistent with a probabilistic interpretation:
\[w_j = \frac{1}{|i-j|\cdot\sigma^2 + \xi^2}.\]

(The meaning of this expression will be explained later.)

  • This particular moving average has some unattractive properties, and isn’t commonly used (though it could be modified to be more practical).
  • Most moving averages simply aren’t Bayesian. Moving averages have the advantage of being simple and computationally inexpensive. But there are more principled, probabilistic strategies for de-noising data.

De-noising as Bayesian inference

When we de-noise data, we make some generative assumptions about the data:

  • We assume there is an underlying signal that we wish to know.
  • We also assume the existence of noise that corrupts our measurements of the signal. The data we observe is a combination of this signal and noise.

A Hidden Markov Model (HMM) is perhaps the simplest probabilistic model for noisy time series data.

Specifically, an HMM assumes the observed data ( \(x_1, x_2, \ldots \) ) are noisy observations of a hidden state that evolves over time, (\(h_1, h_2, \ldots \) ).

We can depict the situation with a Bayesian network:

hidden markov model

Let’s assume Gaussian conditional probabilities:

\[h_i ~|~ h_{i-1} \sim \mathcal{N}(h_{i-1}, \sigma^2)\] \[x_i ~|~ h_i \sim \mathcal{N}(h_i, \xi^2)\]

This is consistent with a discrete, noisily-observed Wiener process. You could reasonably model e.g., sensor measurements or log-stock prices this way.

We can frame the “de-noising” task as a Bayesian posterior inference. Specifically, we want to use the observed data to gain knowledge about each hidden state \(h_i\). This consists of the marginal posterior for \(h_i\):

\[P(h_i ~|~ \ldots, x_{i-1}, x_i, x_{i+1}, \ldots) \propto P(\ldots, x_{i-1}, x_i, x_{i+1},\ldots ~|~ h_i) \cdot P(h_i)\]

For the remainder of this post, we will focus on finding a maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) for \(h_i\). That is, we discard the prior \(P(h_i)\) and find the maximum of \(P(\ldots, x_{i-1}, x_i, x_{i+1},\ldots ~|~ h_i)\).

Connecting HMMs to moving averages

Given our probabilistic assumptions, we end up with the following log-likelihood for \(h_i\):

\[\mathcal{L}(h_i) = \sum_j \frac{(h_i - x_j)^2}{2(|i-j|\cdot \sigma^2 + \xi^2)}\]

Differentiating with respect to \(h_i\) yields the following optimality condition:

\[\frac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\partial h_i} = \sum_j \frac{(h_i - x_j)}{|i-j|\cdot \sigma^2 + \xi^2} = 0\]

Now define

\[w_j = \frac{1}{|i-j|\cdot\sigma^2 + \xi^2}.\]

Rearranging the terms of the optimality condition yields the following MLE:

\[h_i^\ast = \frac{\sum_j w_j x_j }{ \sum_j w_j}\]

Which is exactly a moving average for \(h_i\).

This moving average has some puzzling (though interesting) properties:

  • The moving average uses an unusual “window” proportional to the inverse of \(|i-j|\). I haven’t seen such a window discussed in popular references on moving averages.
  • If we had infinite data, the sums used to compute \(h_i^\ast\) would not converge. This is surprising and unsatisfying. This probably isn’t an issue in practical settings—the sums grow logarithmically and we always have finite data.
  • I haven’t figured out a way to maximize likelihood for the parameters \(\sigma^2\) or \(\xi^2\) yet.

It’s possible that a truncated version of this moving average could be practical. However, it lacks some of the computational efficiency possessed by e.g., rectangular or exponential weighted averages.

Last remarks

It’s interesting to find a connection between moving averages and HMMs. However, it’s a surprisingly weak connection. The weights we derived above are not used in practice, and the weights that are used in practice do not admit a probabilistic interpretation.

I’d go so far as to claim moving averages aren’t really Bayesian.

If somebody wants to denoise data in a probabilistically principled way, then they ought to consider more sophisticated tools consistent with HMMs:

  • The forward-backward algorithm can efficiently maximize posterior marginals (which is analogous to the goal of a moving average).
  • The Viterbi algorithm can compute the single most likely hidden history—the entire sequence of hidden states (\(h_1, h_2, \ldots\) ).
  • In some settings a Kalman filter may also be appropriate, though it is considerably more complicated than other techniques we’ve mentioned.

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